Stuff I Can Do

Stuff I Can Do

1. Get regimented with your sleep

Your sleep needs to run like clockwork. Having regular hours is one of the best things you could do to get some rest and recuperation. As to when you fall asleep and wake up, see what works best for you!

2. Your body is a temple, as is your bedroom

It’s easy to fall asleep when you have the right conditions. Like a Formula 1 car flying down the track, so long as it’s dry and warm (but not too warm) you’ll be cruising. Throw in some adverse conditions and all of a sudden there are more crashes than cars on the track. To feel assured that you are falling asleep in optimal conditions, make sure the kids are in bed, the lights are off and the temperature isn’t too warm or cold.

3. Keep calm and sleep well

Even men need their beauty sleep. Sleeping on a mattress that’s uncomfortable can be a pain in the back…literally! Make sure that your mattress isn’t too soft or too hard.

4. Let’s get physical!

You don’t need to whip out the leotards and leg warmers, we haven’t built up that kind of friendship just yet…Moving about and doing some exercise can help. If running isn’t your cup of tea, try something with less impact, like swimming or cycling. Just don’t do this close to bedtime, you’ll stay awake all night if you do.

5. Cut down on the tea and coffee

It's best to avoid drinks with caffeine in the evening as they can keep you on high alert. Caffeine can affect you for up to 24 hours, so now you see why having that tea or coffee after dinner isn’t handy. Why not try a caffeine-free drink – they’re not as boring as you might think (surprisingly).

6. Avoid “food babies”

Going for seconds sounds tempting – we’ve all been there at one point or another. Whether it’s a curry or a slice of cake, eating too much late at night can throw your sleeping patterns out of the window. The same effect happens when you drink too much alcohol.

7. Don’t smoke

Smoking is generally bad for your health and it can stop you from sleeping properly. Smoking can make it more difficult to fall asleep, wake you up at ungodly hours, and flip your body clock on its head. For free NHS support to stop smoking, click here.

8. Find your Zen

There are some things a man won’t admit…like having a bubble bath or doing some yoga. But those things are very handy at helping you on your way to get some sleep. Having a wind down routine before bedtime really does work. Why not try a relaxation CD or podcast?

9. Dear diary

You don’t need to have a diary. But sometimes writing down how you feel, especially when you’re worried or have a heavy workload could help you figure out what you need to do. If you stay awake for a while worrying about tasks before falling asleep, try to make a list of things to help you plan your approach before bed.

10. Don’t worry

Not being able to sleep can be annoying, but don’t let that get in the way. If you can’t sleep, get out of bed and try doing something relaxing, you can then try going back to sleep.

To find out more about how you can improve your sleep, click here or visit the Sleep Council.

Early Symptoms

Early Symptoms

Not getting a good night’s kip can turn your world upside down, for yourself and those close to you. 1 in 3 of us experience sleeping problems, here’s how to tell if you’re missing out on plenty of rest:

  • Just can’t do it…you find it very difficult to shut down
  • You can’t sleep for long…in fact you hardly get any sleep
  • You keep waking up in the middle of the night. You might think it’s time to go to work, but it’s only 3:20AM.
  • Getting up too early but can’t fall back asleep
  • You feel like a zombie when you wake up – completely drained
  • Taking a nap becomes a myth, you're unable to take a nap
  • You’re more snappy when you’ve not slept well.

Don’t feel alone. We all have nights where we can’t sleep properly, But for some of us it lasts for months or even years. Not getting the rest you need means your health and parts of your life will be affected.

Useful Videos

Useful Videos

Support for sleep problems

What is Insomnia?

What would happen if you didn't sleep?

Local Help in Buckinghamshire

Local Help in Buckinghamshire

Worried about your sleeping problems? Check out the 'Stuff I Can Do' section of the website for some changes you can make to your lifestyle to try to improve your sleeping patterns. If you try these and your sleeping problems persist, your GP might be able to help you further.

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